Friday, October 29, 2010

God's Hands by aekarghe

It's really amazing how God's hand work on our lives. In the most unexpected ways He answers our prayers and show us what is the right thing to do. He never forsake and forget those who truly believes in Him. 

Sometimes, we got angry at Him because He seems to be deaf on our prayers. Sometimes he delays our requests or never answers at all. But His purposes and reasons are beyond what human can perceive. He knows the perfect timing and the perfect answer to our plea. He knows what is truly in our hearts and He gives His grace to those prayers uttered with humility, honesty and faith. 

Just this day, God worked in my life in the most amazing way. I thought that starting this day I will live my life miserably because of my imperfections and faults. I am a sinner blessed with the grace I never expected He will still give. He knows the truth and He let the truth shine so that we can now have a happy life. For four long years I prayed for this day to come. And when I'm on the state of giving up, of accepting my defeat, He answered my heart's desire in the most unexpected way. He gave me the most special gift I'd ever received in my entire existence. He did never forget me. He did never forsake me.